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3 Ways To Sharpen Your Knives

3 Ways To Sharpen Your Knives

Knives are one of the most important tools a chef can have. Maintaining your knives is extremely important however, not many know how to properly take care of them.  Once your knives start to become dull, there are 3 strategies you can use to fix it. These 3 methods range from easy to more professional approaches. 

First method: 


Claudia Sidoti, head chef at HelloFresh shared a few ideas of how one can sharpen their knives with ordinary products most individuals would likely find at home. She suggested using a piece of sandpaper. Even if you do not have sandpaper at home, your local home hardware store will most likely have it in stock. Depending on the knife and the sharpness it requires, she recommended starting with a coarser sandpaper and then working your way to a finer piece to ensure a very sharp edge. This method is comparably cheaper than a professional knife sharpener. 

Chef Jeff Osaka from 12 @ Madison in Denver also proposed using the bottom of a porcelain mug or bowl to sharpen your knife. To do this, one should find the rough part of the item (the unglazed area) and hold the knife at a 45-degree angle to sharpen and get the best results. 

Second method: 

Electric Sharpener

Chef Fabio Capparelli says he personally uses the electric sharpener to sharpen his knives. He explains that the method is simple and easy as you can adjust the belt to the angle of the knife to get a clean, precise and very sharp knife.

Third method: 


The bench stone may be one for the professional as it requires precision. However, executive Chef Garrett Merck explains that all of the bench stones, regardless of the stone are essentially the same. To sharpen your knife with this tool requires you to guide the knife multiple times down the stone at the angle and pressure that specific knife requires. The key is to keep the same pressure, angle, and stroke pattern to reach the best result. He also points out that if you wish to have a sharp knife, the angle should be low. He suggests as low as 15-degrees. Whereas ones who are looking for a long-lasting edge should hold the knife at a 25-degree angle. 

Try one of these methods out with our knives! Click here to shop now.

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Creds: Susan B. Barnes from

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